CNN for Vision w/ Transfer Learning

February 10, 2023
9.30PM IST
11.00 AM EST
11.00 AM EST

Workshop details

In this workshop, we will delve into the application of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for image classification through the utilization of transfer learning techniques. As the training of CNNs on image datasets can be a resource-intensive process, we will demonstrate the use of pre-trained models to achieve high accuracy results on smaller datasets. Participants will gain a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts and techniques required for training image classifiers, and will have the ability to apply this knowledge to their own datasets.

By the end of this workshop, attendees will have a strong grasp of the principles behind deep learning and its applications.

LIVE sessions
Taught by Harvard Faculty
Access to Discord server dedicated to learning ML

Meet your Instructor

Dr. Rahul Dave

Formerly, Harvard University
Chief Scientist, Univ.AI

Rahul is co-founder of Univ.AI. He was on the original team for Harvard’s famous Data Science course, cs109, and has taught machine learning, statistics, and AI courses, both at Harvard and at multiple conferences and workshops. Some of his more popular offerings have been the Data Scientist Training for Librarians workshops in Boston and Copenhagen, Machine Learning for Suits at the Open Data Science Conference, and the am207 course on Bayesian Statistics and Generative Models at Harvard. He has continued to be on the teaching staff for cs109 at Harvard. Rahul is an accomplished computational scientist with a strong programming background and a veteran cosmologist. His Ph.D. work in cosmology and astrophysics at the University of Pennsylvania involved both high performance computing and bayesian statistics, and subsequent work in astronomy took him in the direction of machine learning and AI. Rahul is passionate about teaching, and a big believer in exposing big, 'researchy' ideas early on, to students. He is super excited about sharing his passion and energy with the participants at Univ.AI

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